
Spotted these holes on our ice/snow covered backyard this evening.

Upon close observation, they turned out to be caused by a furry friend (read that as rabbit) in our backyard who has done his/her business 😉

10 replies
  1. jfn2nd
    jfn2nd says:

    What a great shot…even if it’s from the rabbit!

    Just proves what I’ve always believed: that everything has an intrinsic beauty that can be photographed, given the right circumstance, light, angle, etc. (Admittedly, I hadn’t really thought about rabbit droppings when I was forming my hypothesis.)

  2. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    These kinds of scenes are always around us, the trick is in spotting them. I think, as we develop as photographers, we will tend to spot them more and more often. Nice shot.

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