Entries by Sasi Suruliraj

w52.10.4: Flying High

Shot this hot air balloon in mid-air as we were leaving Faust Park in Chesterfield last evening. I bet there will be plenty of photo ops for folks flying the hot air balloon. Makes me wonder if they are photogs 🙂

w52.10.3: Window

Visited Faust Park in Chesterfield with my little boy this evening and we walked by the historic Thornhill home. Before he ran out of patience I took couple of shots and really like this shot of window and sidings. I was drawn by the colors and contrast besides the lines.

w52.10.1: Gazing…

Shot this during my recent visit to the St. Louis zoo. Besides animals/birds, St. Louis zoo houses Missour’s fresh water fishes in a huge “cave like” tank just outside River’s Edge area. As I soon as I saw folks gazing at the huge cat fishes I want to take a shot at the scene  besides […]

w52.9.4: Macaw

Took a day off of work and visited St. Louis Zoo with the family today – did I mention we are enjoying nice weather in St. Louis area 😉 Spotted this macaw while taking a stroll along River’s Edge area in St. Louis zoo.

w52.9.3: Relationship

That’s my kiddos walking hand in hand at a park close home. We are experiencing nice weather these past couple of days and I took my kids to a park close home. As we were walking in the trails, I asked them to hold their hands and keep walking for this shot. I like the […]