
Photo 365: Day 35 – Dried roses (bonus picture)

Dried roses – these were dried by my wife long time ago (may be about 8 years ago). I remember researching for her on drying them back then.

These were real flaky and had to be handled with extreme care for picturing them. I really liked the way the pictures turned out for today’s post.

Photo 365: Day 32 – Angelina Ballerina

Here is a happy meal toy (I believe it came from Subway) that my daughter  had with her toys collection.

I like taking pictures in natural lighting and it was a bit tricky taking this with limited lighting this evening – it was an overcast day and had to take this when I got back from work when the Sun was getting ready to set. If you look closer at her face (towards right), you’ll see its underexposed. Tried the shutter to remain open for about a second, but the other half turned overexposed. Finally settled with the above capture – though I kind of like this capture 😉

Photo 365: Day 30 – Mexican Bean Beetle

The other day when cleaning up my garage I came across this dead Mexican bean beetle. Had this stored in a ziploc bag for a macro capture and had this shot using my Nikkor 60mm macro for today’s post. Earlier I tried capturing this with reverse mount BR-2A/28mm prime but didn’t workout very well.

Photo 365: Day 27 – Fuji Apple

I got the idea for today’s post from Flickr. Here are some ideas on how this was done.

Obviously you need an Apple for this project 😉
Used a spray bottle to create water drops effect and a black yoga mat for the backdrop. I had this set up in the basement where I could have more control over the light. Turned off all the lights source –  except a project light with a wax paper on top, lit from the left side. Then had my D70/Nikkor 60mm macro set on my tripod and shot this in full manual mode.

I am not totally satisfied with this though. I think the front was overexposed. May be next time, I need to play with the lighting setup.

Photo 365: Day 26 – Colorful Thread Spindles

Originally I was wanting to post a macro capture of a bubble. That didn’t workout very well. I had unsuccessfully tried capturing a bubble from a GermX pump using a reverse mounted Br-2a/28mm prime combination. I didn’t like the way it turned out. So I was going through our closet and came across this box with mending supplies. Played around a bit with setup and finally got this colorful capture. Another post using my Nikkor 60mm macro lens.

Photo 365: Day 25 – Rusty Bolt

I had to renew my license plates today. As I was preparing to remove my old license plates over the past weekend, I found that the bolts were really rusty and had a hard time to get them off the license plates – those plates were there in the car for almost 10+ years now. So when I got back from DMV office this evening, I saw these rusty bolts and thought these were good subject for today’s post.So here are the rusty bolts sitting atop the new license plate.

Photo 365: Day 20 – Toothpicks

Another macro post.
Today’s subject – toothpicks 😉

Photo 365: Day 18 – Whisk

Here is a macro capture of Whisk. Used 60mm macro in manual mode to capture this shot.

Photo 365: Day 17 – It’s a bubbly day

Got the macro capture of these bubbles from my mouth wash bottle. Took about 10 different shots using 3 different lens (setup) and finally settled on this one.

First I tried with Nikkor 60mm macro and I felt I still need a closer working range. Then I tried reverse mounting my 50mm prime onto a BR-2A reverse filter and still want to get a bit closer shot on the bubbles. Finally reverse mounted my Nikon 28mm manual and got the above shot.

Photo 365: Day 15 – Matchsticks

Here is my attempt to capture a macro shot of matchsticks. Mounted D70 fitted with Nikon 60mm macro lens on a tripod and shot this at f/36 for about 12 sec exposure. Did minimal post processing using Adobe RAW to pop up the colors.