
w52.11.4: Waiting to be won

Shot this at a game booth during my visit to the Heritage & Freedom Fest on July 4th.

I was drawn by the plush toys all lined up, ready to be won/picked, and go to a new home – call this the aftereffect of watching Toy Story movie(s) 😉

Photo 365: Day 19 – I am thinking…

I took a series of pictures this evening (as I was waiting at Midas for an oil change) with the idea of posting them as a collage. I want the pictures to tell a story.

So here is the sequence of events…

  • Went to Midas for an oil change and got my car in.
  • As I was waiting for things to be taken care of on my car, I walked over to Arby’s next door for a coffee.
  • I sat by the window and and I enjoyed my coffee.

Now you can tie these events with the picture collage.