Photo 365: Day 115 – Re-life, New life

A week before Earth day, I had a chance to read a book on container gardening and they had some cool ideas for growing plants from seeds. One among them was to use, egg cartons.

So couple of days before Earth day, sowed few Marigold seeds and it’s about a week now and the seeds have germinated. The above post is a picture of germinated Marigolds in egg carton. These will wait a couple of weeks to be transplanted to the ground.

Elsewhere on the web, I remember reading that bunnies don’t like Marigolds. Will have to try it out to see if they keep the bunnies away.

7 replies
  1. Judy Knesel
    Judy Knesel says:

    Ahh. This takes me back to greenhouse class in horticulture school. That was a fun and wonderful class. Planting seeds and watching them grow with the care you give them.

  2. credd
    credd says:

    question…did it keep the bunnies away? i planted marigolds last year amongst my tomato plants to keep them safe. slugs devoured the marigolds. 🙁

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