Photo 365: Day 147 – Simplicity

Not much inspiration for today’s post.

Got really tired after workout this evening and as I was fixing my fried eggs had this idea popped in my head to shoot fried eggs. I am not a big fan of half-cooked fried eggs but had it that way for the shoot – as I want the yolks to have the shiny look.

It was a bit harder than I thought  as the camera got fooled by whites on the egg white and black on the cast iron pan. So had this shot using spot metering (took the meter reading from one of the yolk) and used the white reflectors to eliminate shadows.

Now only if these eggs could smile…to make this a smiley face 🙂

8 replies
  1. Judy Knesel
    Judy Knesel says:

    Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one that has days with no inspiration. I’ve done the same thing — grabbed something close by. Nice color.

  2. Irina
    Irina says:

    I love the (I assume) pepper details! Being in that no-inspiration-rut sucks, but I’m sure it will end soon enough for you!

  3. jo garrett
    jo garrett says:

    maybe you were short on inspiration but at least you learnt a little bit more about exposure and lighting that will surely come in handy

  4. Eric Kunimura
    Eric Kunimura says:

    Even non-inspiring days are learning experiences! I’m glad you took the time to get it right and learn more about correct exposure and using a reflector.

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