Photo 365: Day 256 – TDS: Hard Shadows

Today’s daily shoot assignment: Hard shadows can emphasize texture and edges. Find a scene lit with hard shadows today and make a photo.

Weekdays are getting real busy these days with outside school activities for my daughter. I had about 30 minutes window this evening before leaving home to pick up my daughter. So had to come up with something real quick for TDS shot.

It turned out to be a rainy, and overcast day here in St. Louis – so I ended up doing my shot indoors.

Picked the simple subject of silverware and used window lighting for this shot. To produce harsh shadows used my daughter’s take home folder to block light on the subject and increased the exposure time.

I like the way it turned out for this post 🙂

8 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    Sasi, you are an absolute master at making the must mundane things look interesting. If you don’t already do this professionally, you really ought to start. This I would be happy to add to my rapidly growing lists of favourites from you. Keep it up.

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