Photo 365: Day 290 – Butterfly House Reflection (bonus)

Spent few minutes with my little boy at the Faust Park this evening while waiting on my wife/daughter to return from my daughter’s music class this evening.

I had to convince my little one that I will spend only few minutes before he can enjoy his slide/swing at the park 😉

I really like the way this shot turned out with limited light.

There is one more photo post for day:290

10 replies
  1. Brhum
    Brhum says:


    Wish you had put that into the theme, would have been 10pts from me for sure – lovely shot – excellent composition. I’d clone out the little spots in the reflection in the water towards the lower right corner of the image but I’m nit-picking. Great work.

  2. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    Very nice shot, the reflection and cool evening colours really come together. If I may nit pick just a little bit, is the apparent horizon straight? It may well be that the proportions of the image are skewing my perceptions but it looks like the line where the glasshouse meets its reflection is skewed down to the right just a little bit.

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