Photo 365: Day 298 – Train Ride

Took this on my return ride on Metro this evening. I like the motion feel (as seen via the window) in this shot.

I took some “courage” to shoot this in Metro even as couple of folks were giving me the “look” to see what I was doing 😉

There is a bonus photo post for day:298

4 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    One of the hardest things I have ever done was to approach that first person on a street and ask them to take a photo. Even if it weren’t for all the (unjustified) concerns of terrorism, taking pictures of people in public raises trust issues which are hard to overcome, especially if you are sensitive about what you are doing. I am not surprised you felt self-conscious taking the photo.

    As for the photo itself, it has an intriguing mix of dynamism from the movement blur, and yet a calming stillness of all the people sitting motionlessly.

  2. Terri Bleeker
    Terri Bleeker says:

    Congrats on your courage. I know at the start of the year I was a bit hesitant to take photos in a setting like this, but it has definitely gotten easier.

    I agree that the motion really adds a lot to the image.

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