
Photo 365: Day 128 – Cousins?

Alright the title is a bit misleading or inappropriate for this photo…may be it would be apt to put it as D70 Vs D90 – well they’re cousins anyway 😉

One of my good friend visited me this evening and brought his newly bought D90. So we ended up testing few shots this evening under almost similar settings. I know D90 excels D70 in many ways and it does exceptionally well in high ISO. But I wasn’t really interested in testing “well known’ facts but rather interested in testing it at ISO 200.

I rummaged through our pantry looking for subjects with different color tones. Then had it set up such that these are well lit with natural window lighting. Then had my D70 with Nikon 50mm prime, set to ISO 200 and shot this in RAW with manual mode at f/5.6 and exposed it for 1/13sec. Then repeated the same setup with D90.

To be honest, I was really impressed with the aesthetics and large LCD on D90. Then had these downloaded and converted to JPEGs (with no PP) to compare side by side.

Now here is where I need my blog viewers (that should be you) help.

Take a look at the photo above. Which one do you like? To make it simple, do you like the one on the left or the one on the right?