
w52.5.1: Picket Fence

Had a chance to visit Faust Park in Chesterfield, MO with my son last evening. He was OK with me spending few minutes shooting the historic homes before taking him to the play area.

Will definitely go back to the park for a photo walk 😉

In case you haven’t noticed the tags, I switched to Lightroom 3 – Thanks Nikhil for tips/tricks.

Photo 365: Day 76 – Lamp

Light is good from whatever lamp it shines – Author Unknown

I got the idea for today’s post from the the picture of CFL light bulb that I picked from Costco yesterday 😉

Photo 365: Day 55 – Artificial Floral Arrangement

Ah its one of those days…didn’t get to decide on what would be the subject for today’s photo post until the last moment (its 9:15 PM already). I try to take most of the pictures with natural lighting and I know my choices for today’s post with natural lighting is next to 0.

We have these cute artificial floral arrangement on out mantel and thought I should try with this and see how it turns out.  Had to take out my trusty SB-600 flash to capture this as I was taking this against a black background and I know if I am to expose this for long exposure, shadows will ruin the picture. I think it turned out OK 😉