
w52.8.4: Twistee Treat

On the way back from Chicago (on I-55 South) stopped by Pink Elephant Antiques. This place presents some great photo ops.

I have been wanting to stop by this place for a long time now – not for the antique mall, but for few photo shots 😉

I will plan on posting few more pictures from my visit to this place in the next few days.

w52.8.3: Well Knit tree

Knit tree – a snapshot from our trip to Morton Arboretum.

And there is my son and his cousin checking out the knit tree.

w52.8.1: Windows

Had a chance to visit Morton Arboretum in Lisle, IL with family today and shot this during our visit.

Not exactly sure what this building is used for..but it appears to be store room. I was drawn by the colors and repetition on this cute little building.

w52.7.5: Cooling Off…

Another shot from last week when we visited zoo in Chicago area…

There is no better way to cool off on a toasty summer like day than with a popsicle 😉

w52.7.3: Checking out…


Another shot from my trip to Chicago area last weekend…

I took multiple pictures of this fire hydrant and I like this best among the other shots. I like the way my daughter and her cousin are checking out what I am shooting.

I wonder what my daughter is telling her cousin – I bet it’s something along the line “my Dad always does that” 😉

w52.7.2: On a hot summer like day…

That’s my wife’s niece enjoying her Popsicle on a hot summer like day during our visit to the zoo.

w52.7.1: Getting back…

It’s been an unusually busy weekend. Had to visit family and friends in Chicago area (did I say summer holidays have arrived) and had a good trip…

Shot this last evening as we were getting back from our evening walk with the family. As we were getting back, I noticed the kiddos holding hand-in-hand and their dads holding their respective kiddo’s hand. I thought it was a sweet moment..

I think I will be busy processing other photos from my trip and catching up on my fellow bloggers post(s) rest of the week 😉

w52.6.2: Up in the air

That’s my daughter swinging up in the air at a park close home this evening.

With the schools winding down, kids seems to have more time to burn and we took that as an opportunity to visit a park this evening. Kids get to play, wife get to relax, and I get to shoot pictures. It’s a win win situation 😉

w52.5.3: Leaves

Got a chance to visit a park close home this evening and shot these serrated leaves during my walk in the park.

Window Blinds

w52.3: Window Blinds

Window Blinds

Shot this on our recent visit to Magic House last Friday. While kids were busy on their hands-on activities, I was able to shoot this window blinds and the lights creeping through the blinds.

And this is SOOC shot – of course I had it converted to JPG from RAW format 😉