Photo 365: Day 103 – Thank you internet

Ah I hit one of those days when you feel you don’t have anything else to shoot 🙁

Got home from work and took bunch of pictures and didn’t like any. That’s when I got the feeling that I didn’t have anything else to shoot. You could relate this to the feeling when you surf aimlessly and at some point think you’ve reached the end of the internet 😉

Anyway, as I was going through these downloaded pictures I saw this modem cable by my bookcase and it struck me ‘why not do a macro capture on modem cable?’

So took my camera with Nikkor 60mm macro lens and started shooting again. I really like the way this macro capture turned out.

Also this capture made me think how thankful we should be for the internet. I heard on NPR yesterday that on a recent survey on Internet Vs TV, people choose Internet over TV. Surely internet seem to be have become an indispensable part of life style. So I Thank you Internet!

4 replies
  1. James
    James says:

    What an awesome photo! Great idea. Somedays, when you don’t think there is a thing to photograph is when you come up with some of you best ideas. Good Job!

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