Photo 365: Day 284 – Silica gel

A quick post for day:284

I found a bag of silica gel in my old camera bag yesterday morning and did a macro shot of these desiccant last evening. Used my wife’s black hand bag as a backdrop.

10 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    Aperture f/45? That is impressive! I’ve read a few people saying that macro shots can’t be art, I don’t agree. I think in the hands of a photographer, any lens can make art.

    I have to say though, macro shots always have a wow factor that can save you in a pinch when you have to take at least one photo every day. Mine has done that for me many times 🙂

  2. Elli
    Elli says:

    What an interesting macro! I wouldn’t have thought silica gel would be appealing, but this is a nicely composed photo that draws attention. The “background” is great too!

  3. nigel
    nigel says:

    Great macro photo. As Elli said, a very interesting choice and I love the negative space. It works perfectly. What I love the most about this photo is your inventiveness.

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