Photo 365: Day 303 – Out of Place

While running errands this evening, spotted these out of place shopping carts for someone else to deal with.

7 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    This could be a socially satirical photo (unintentional or intentional). A photographic rant on the run away consumerism of today’s society. Or maybe just a cool picture of trials and tribulations of life today 🙂

    Either way (or neither way) I like it. Nicely composed to make full use of the shapes and colours of the various elements.

  2. Emily Gooch
    Emily Gooch says:

    Nice photo to showcase the story. I know… it is amazing that some people just can’t seem to walk the few extra steps. Last month, a woman called me a “retard” because the item in my cart was too large for her cart to get by and she had to back up a few steps to use the next isle.

  3. karenstuebing
    karenstuebing says:

    I loved the way you showed them right next to the place you’re actually supposed to place them. It would have been a few more steps. Great photojournalistic photo and super color too.

  4. Elli
    Elli says:

    This is one thing that bugs me. Those carts certainly are out of place because the cart return is right there! Sometimes I assume that the person who left the cart is disabled or just couldn’t leave 3 little kids in the car…but I don’t think that works here. Ergh! Great color in this shot!

    By the way, we love “Harget!” When my youngest daughter was little she used to call it “Harget” and every time she would see that red target she would yell “HARGET!!” We traveled across the country one summer, and I’m sure we acknowledged *every* Target store along the way!

  5. Sandra Marek
    Sandra Marek says:

    Satirically speaking – it looks like a challenge. The carts are challenging the cars. The people who made good use of them but after the shopping trip discards them so someone else can come pick them up. Looks like story of “I used it, I no longer need it” should I go on? because I can. LOL
    Nice shot. Great colors.

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