Photo 365: Day 347 – RSS Reader

It’s one of those days when I went rummaging for the subject – that haven’t happened that often in my 365 project 😉

As I got back home there was just a bit of natural light available and as I was trying to find what I want to shoot, what got my attention was my iTouch.

Then came the question of where do I set my focusing point –  how about the Byline RSS reader app that I use most of the time.

If you haven’t switched to Google Reader yet you have to read the blog post titled Google Reader that Nikhil wrote sometime ago.

Think of RSS Reader as an aggregator that brings your bookmarked website changes to you. Or to put it in a simple way, when you bookmark a website – you go look for changes. With RSS reader you subscribe to a website and the changes come to you via the Reader.

I am long time user of Google Reader (about 6+ years now) and I strongly recommend Google Reader for keeping track of your favorite website changes. Also if you have one of those i* device(s), I do recommend Byline app for offline/online browsing. You will need your Google Reader to subscribe to your favorite websites and then use Byline to keep track of changes.

So, a bit of geeky stuff along with a relevant photo shot for day:347 🙂

2 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    I’ve seen photos like these used to advertise various software products and I can say yours is as good, if not better than most I’ve seen. Strictly from a photographer’s perspective though, I don’t really like how geometrical and strong the black part of the frame looks. It doesn’t draw my eye to the focal point like it should, it distracts. I think that is happening with me because of the strong cut off line diagonally through the frame.

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