Photo 365: Day 350 – Waiting

An early post for day:350…yes 350 and not 348

We had freezing rain last evening and the road conditions were real bad this morning. So kids got a snow day to stay home and I opted to stay home rather than driving to work. I am one of those early rider who likes getting to work before sunrise and most of the side roads aren’t salted/cleared when I start driving to work early in the wee hours.

So as I was working this noon from my home office , I saw the snow truck clearing the icy road through my office window.  And then there was my little one standing by the window and watching curiously for the snow truck to pass by – he gets real excited about trucks and anything that makes noise 😉

I had to be real quick to taking this shot before losing the moment. 50mm lens attached to body comes in handy at such situations.

In case if you haven’t noticed, I went up from day 348 to 350. I realized that I messed up the days count in August and didn’t want to go back and fix my wordpress post titles. So a quick and dirty approach to get the days fixed. That being said, just 15 days more to go.

Makes me wonder am I the only one who started counting the days to 365 (?)

Note: Take a look at Brhum’s comment (6th comment). He has some suggestion for 365 photogs…just in case if you haven’t decided on what you want to do after ending this marathon 365 photo project 😉

11 replies
    • sasi (
      sasi ( says:

      Good question Brhum. I am thinking may be a lighter version of this photography project – and may call it Photo 52 😉

      It’s been a good year taking pictures every day but there were few occasions I had to really push myself to stay on course. That being said, I think the lighter version should work out much better.

  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    I had gotten really paranoid about missing a day, early in the year and started checking almost obsessively that the day number for the day of the year matched the number of photos in my 365 folder.

    This is a great shot as I am sure I have no need to tell you. The profile of your son’s face is perfect to capture his excitement at the oncoming heavy machinery. Nicely done.

  2. karenstuebing
    karenstuebing says:

    You really captured a special moment here. You can see the intensity of his watching without seeing his whole face which is quite a photographic feat to accomplish and makes the photo even more compelling. I wouldn’t sweat the wrong numbering. You’ll know when you get to 345.

  3. Mac Read
    Mac Read says:

    I too have been counting the days until 365. I certainly have enjoyed my project, but I am looking forward to it being done. So is my wife. No more “Oh crap! my picture.”

  4. Brhum
    Brhum says:

    Sasi, maybe your friends who have also participated in this marathon project would be interested in continuing their photographic discovery with WellExposed and our monthly and theme competitions? The League tables are about to be reset to zero for the start of the 2011 season and we have some spaces in the club to fill. It might be an interesting photographic challenge for 2011 and I’m sure they’d enjoy giving and getting feedback on their submissions each month?

  5. Emily Gooch
    Emily Gooch says:

    Very nice capture of the “moment” Sasi. Hope you have a bottle of champagne ready for the end of 365 celebration. 😉 You deserve it! I’ve really enjoyed seeing and learning from your photos.

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