That building with a giant mural…take 2

Here is different POV of the mural with painted sculpture.

Personally I prefer this over my yesterday’s post. I think the blue sky along with the Hwy overpass adds a nice touch to this shot.

8 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    I prefer this one too. Yesterday’s had a fairly sterile feel due to the single, frame filling composition. This one feels more natural and free. I get the feeling that there are few more photos left for you to explore here.

    • sasi (
      sasi ( says:

      I wish I had shot more. As I was at the train station shooting pictures, Metro’ security guard showed up and said I wasn’t supposed to take picture either on Metro or Metro’s premises 🙁

  2. Mike
    Mike says:

    I like the perspective on this shot. Visually more interesting than the other one. I have had some run-ins with security guards myself. If I’m trying to get close-up pictures of a nuclear power plant feel free to confront me – for other things (like this) I wish they would relax a little.

  3. jfn2nd
    jfn2nd says:

    I would agree with the other commentators, that this is much more visually interesting than yesterday’s shot. I’ve always thought it interesting how a change in POV can totally alter an image.

    What a fascinating building. I imagine one could almost do an entire 365 project just on the building.

  4. David Williams
    David Williams says:

    I like this PoV too. What’s really cool is the shadow from the bushes almost match that of the mural! What a very interesting building. Too bad about Metro police, keep snapping Sasi!! 😀

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