w52.8.2: A classic perspective shot
A classic perspective shot from my recent visit to Chicago area. We stayed with the family during our trip and this is shot of the hallway just outside the place we stayed.
As soon as I saw this hallway I made a note to self to shoot this hallway during my stay there. I had to venture out when the kids went to bed so that I could shoot this classic perspective shot 😉
Like this a lot, Sasi. You captured the symmetry perfectly and your colour tone works nicely.
Pretty much a perfectly executed symmetry shot. I can see too why it caught your eye, the varying tonality and shapes are beautiful. Your square crop is the perfect note. Very nicely done.
Very nice!
So soothing. Makes you want to saunter down the hallway.
really nice use of space, great composition so perfect so pleasant
This is pretty cool to see this AND take the time to shoot it. Nice and sharp all the way through to take you right down the hall to the doors.