w52.10.1: Gazing…
Shot this during my recent visit to the St. Louis zoo. Besides animals/birds, St. Louis zoo houses Missour’s fresh water fishes in a huge “cave like” tank just outside River’s Edge area.
As I soon as I saw folks gazing at the huge cat fishes I want to take a shot at the scene besides shooting fish(es) alone. So had to wait for the crowd to move out for this shot.
Beautifully composed shot. It’s not often that you see these aquarium shots in b&w and the impact is much greater as a result.
Agreed. I like the B&W treatment.
Great shot! Especially that you got the fish captured so sharply — sometimes the glass can distort an image …
Doing this in b&w really does add a contemplative feel to the shot, matching the pose of the man contemplating the fish.
Great decision for B&W, reminds me of some ’50’s fish horror movie (that’s a good thing)! 😀
Love the composition Sasi! The silhouetted man at the bottom offset by the silhouette at the top (what is that, a rock outcropping?) is great!