
Photo 365: Day 152 – Soft focus

I got the idea for this post from a cover image on Cooks Illustrated magazine. Used a soft focus filter combined with polarizer filter to create this shot.

Photo 365: Day 147 – Simplicity

Not much inspiration for today’s post.

Got really tired after workout this evening and as I was fixing my fried eggs had this idea popped in my head to shoot fried eggs. I am not a big fan of half-cooked fried eggs but had it that way for the shoot – as I want the yolks to have the shiny look.

It was a bit harder than I thought  as the camera got fooled by whites on the egg white and black on the cast iron pan. So had this shot using spot metering (took the meter reading from one of the yolk) and used the white reflectors to eliminate shadows.

Now only if these eggs could smile…to make this a smiley face 🙂

Photo 365: Day 145 – Run, run, as fast as you can;

Sort of self-portrait 😉

Another experimentation with lighting, and speed. As I was treadmill running this evening I got this idea to capture the run.

It was more harder than I thought. Setting the focus was the easy part – as I know where I will have my foot, I just pre-focused on that area on the treadmill. Then had the camera mounted on the tripod with the right exposure/speed setting and had it triggered using remote and self-timer. Then I experimented with varying my speed on the treadmill. Of all the shots I liked the one shot at f/1.8 and /15sec speed and that happens to be my first shot of this experiment.

Today is Twitter Tuesday – share your images here.

Photo 365: Day 143 – Sarah Bernhardt Peony

I was pleasantly surprised this evening when I saw all the blooms in my yard – it’s been just 2 days since I was out of town and it just feels like a long time.

All the peonies were in full bloom and I couldn’t resist myself with shooting Sarah Bernhart Peony for today’s post. Just followed the same procedure as detailed in my earlier Peony posts to shoot this.

Photo 365: Day 140 – Flight

Today is theme Thursday and the theme is Flight.

As my wife and kids are leaving to India this weekend on an early summer vacation, doing a photo post with Flight theme turned out quite easy.

Basically I started collecting materials for the past 3 days – my daughter had a world map she had got from Subway with her meal. I used this as a base. Then used the e-tickets, motion sickness chewables, and my little boy’s toy to put this together.

On a related note, I used flash based Picnik (online photo editor) for editing this – since I am traveling this week, I am traveling lite and didn’t want to load CS4 on my laptop. I was amazed at the features Picnik offers and it’s free 😉

Photo 365: Day 135 – Fix me bad!

That’s a picture of my little boy having his hair cut this noon. Somehow we didn’t like his hair cut from last time. His hairstyle started looking more like a “bowl cut” – if you want to picture this, think of Moe’s hairstyle in the 3 Stooges 😉

So I was on a mission to fix his hair this noon. Typically I don’t take my Nikon D70 to stores. But decided to do so this noon and I’m glad that I did. I just talked to the hair stylist if it was OK to take pictures and she was quite OK with that idea. So I started snapping pictures – as I didn’t want to scare other customers in the store, I decided not to use flash. So I had to bump up the ISO to 800+ to take the pictures.

Back on my little boy’s hair style – it doesn’t look like a mushroom cut or bowl cut  anymore. We will give it couple of days, and he will be cutest kid on the block 😉

Photo 365: Day 133 – Karl Rosenfield Peony

Yet another rainy day in St. Louis and a perfect reason for me to take a picture of Karl Rosenfield Peony indoors where I can have much control over the lighting and setup.

Here is how I shot this.

Every house has at least one spot where there is ambient lighting – in our house one such spot seems to be the dining area by the patio door and bay windows (need to explore more to find other sweet spots). So had the vase seated on a black card board and had this lit by the natural lighting coming in from the bay windows. Used a white foam board as a reflector to lit the shadows on the right side of the bloom – as this happens to be facing the interior of the house.

Then had the camera mounted on the tripod and “spot” metered the bloom using Av metering – since I wanted to bring out the details, had the camera set to f/11. Then switched to manual mode and adjusted the light speed  until I found the right amount exposure – the first one, as originally suggested by the Av metering was over exposed, so had to cut down the light.

Later used RAW/PS to pop up the colors – used free actions that I had downloaded from PW blog.

Photo 365: Day 132 – Little People

Another busy Wednesday evening. Had to take my daughter to her math class and go visit a friend this evening. By the time I got home it was almost 9:00 PM and didn’t have much inspiration for today’s post.

The friend whom we visited this evening had gifted “Little People” Noah’s Ark to our little boy and coincidently, we had watched Evan Almighty past weekend. In this movie, Evan gets a visit from God,who instructs him if he really wants to change the world, he needs to build an ark and prepare the world  for the flood. So thought I should do something with my son’s new toy/animal set.

So had the toys set-up on white board and shot this using bounced lighting from trusty Nikon SB-600 flash. Not a great shot – with shadows and composition but overall I’m satisfied 😉

Photo 365: Day 130 – Festiva Maxima Peony

It’s another rainy/windy day here in St. Louis and as I already planned to post Peony for Day 130 had to shoot this indoors.

Used couple of black cardboards for backdrop and had this shot using the window lighting. To lit the shadows, my wife helped  me with holding the home-made reflector (crinkled aluminum wrap stuck on a cardboard) at an angled towards the window/peony. I really liked the way it turned out.

Photo 365: Day 129 – Mother’s day muffins

Mocha muffins – that’s what my daughter and I ended up baking for my wife for this mother’s day. Long time ago I used to write recipes and you can find the recipe for the muffin recipe here.

The sweetest thing was my daughter’s note. She wrote “Mom you are very nice! You are sweeter than cake!