

It’s one of those days that we photog encounter very often…got something up in the mind but when you try putting these together (or execute), you don’t like the way things turn out or at least you know it won’t work.

I had a foodie related shot in mind but it didn’t work out this morning. So I ended up doing a macro shot of sliced strawberry. Since I have already shot strawberry (day: 291, day: 39) for my 365 project, had to go for a different way of plating these for this shot.

Photo 365: Day 117 – Chipped paint

The Sun was out this noon after few days of rain.

Spent some time this evening in the backyard and I noticed that the paint that my father had applied to the porch rails have all gone after 3years. This reveals the grains in the wood wood knot which has quite an interesting pattern and resembles eyed peacock feather.

Photo 365: Day 115 – Re-life, New life

A week before Earth day, I had a chance to read a book on container gardening and they had some cool ideas for growing plants from seeds. One among them was to use, egg cartons.

So couple of days before Earth day, sowed few Marigold seeds and it’s about a week now and the seeds have germinated. The above post is a picture of germinated Marigolds in egg carton. These will wait a couple of weeks to be transplanted to the ground.

Elsewhere on the web, I remember reading that bunnies don’t like Marigolds. Will have to try it out to see if they keep the bunnies away.