Photo 365: Day 144 – Flow

I had sometime to burn this evening and did some experimenting with lighting. I want to simulate the effect of smooth waterfall flow and used poppy seed (which we use for cooking) in place of water.

Initially had the camera set on manual mode for 0.5sec exposure. Then the camera was mounted on a tripod and had the timer set to click at 10secs – during that time I had the spoon filled with poppy seed and started dropping the poppy seed slowly into the pot. When the camera snapped it produced this smooth water flow effect. Those poppy seeds which got scattered produced a nice bokeh.

9 replies
  1. Judy Knesel
    Judy Knesel says:

    Very creative. I never would’ve thought the bokeh was the dropped seeds. I wouldn’t have thought the flow was created with them either. When I first saw this, I thought about the pot at the end of the rainbow.

  2. jo garrett
    jo garrett says:

    great idea, really well thought out and well executed, I love the seed trails bouncing backwards too – lots of delightful details in this one.

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