Photo 365: Day 254 – TDS:Sidewalk

Today’s daily shoot assignment: Make a photograph of a path, sidewalk, trail, or road today and post it. Lead our eye through the scene.

I waited too long for today’s shot. By the time I got to do the shot of the sidewalk, there wasn’t mucht light. So had to bump up the ISO, then on PS raw – had to increase the exposure to +1.75 and ended up with a grainy shot 😉

Lesson learnt – don’t wait until the 11th hour for your shot.

11 replies
  1. themichaellamcollection
    themichaellamcollection says:

    First of all, the shot is good, very good. Secondly, photography is about using the available (or you can add your own) light, using the available light and the cameras capability to get the shot is what’s important, this you did, and did a nice job of it. As Nikhil would say, graininess is not a problem, he even adds grain to some of his, in this instance it adds to the image and gives mood and character.

  2. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    Michael is correct about my feelings on graininess. In large measure people have come to expect ultra smooth, grainless, digital images. It is fine most of the time, but there are some photos, like this one, which benefit from the graininess of low light. The shot is a moody, brooding one and the grain only goes to enhance that feeling. All in all, I would rate this photo as successful.

  3. Elli
    Elli says:

    What a great path through the photo! Actually, I think the grain contributes to the “story” of this shot – it helps us to know what time of day the photo was taken. Very nice work!

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