Snack time

It’s been quite some time since I did a foodie photo post. With that in mind shot these crackers, pears, and fruit loops during snack time this evening.

Not that I feed on fruit loops, had these included in this composition to compliment the horizontally arranged crackers.

17 replies
  1. Nikhil Ramkarran
    Nikhil Ramkarran says:

    It’s easy to see where your true talents lie 🙂 This is an exquisite photo, no equivocating. Even the crumbs on the table seem so perfectly arranged and captured. I honestly believe that if you ever wanted you could do this professionally.

  2. Cassie Hilliard
    Cassie Hilliard says:

    I love this shot, the stack of fruit loops was the perfect addition! On a side note, I’m fairly certain my hands aren’t steady enough to stack fruit loops, but now I want to try. 🙂

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