

We had winter storm for the past couple of days and it wasn’t as bad as the weatherman had predicted.

On Monday it was ice storm then late in the evening it was followed by snow. By the time the storm had passed through this AM, we had about 6″ of snow atop ice – weatherman predicted it will be somewhere between a foot to 20″ of snow. Sorry for the weatherman and I don’t really envy their job 😉

Anyway, I stepped outside few minutes this afternoon and took few shots of icicles.

Above is shot of icicles hanging from recycle cart. I really like the way this turned out.

Photo 365: Day 196 – Daily Shoot Assignment: Abstraction

Today’s daily shoot assignment: Get creative with abstraction today. Make a photograph of patterns and/or shapes that aren’t recognizable objects.

It’s a pattern but I’m not quite sure if this qualifies for abstraction…

It’s a stainless steel dish rack by the sink. To give it a abstract feel, had the dish rack sit on a black cardboard and used another black cardboard for background. Used while reflector to make the steel shine 😉

Used Coffee shop’ creamy choc b/w action in PS during PP.

Photo 365: Day 144 – Flow

I had sometime to burn this evening and did some experimenting with lighting. I want to simulate the effect of smooth waterfall flow and used poppy seed (which we use for cooking) in place of water.

Initially had the camera set on manual mode for 0.5sec exposure. Then the camera was mounted on a tripod and had the timer set to click at 10secs – during that time I had the spoon filled with poppy seed and started dropping the poppy seed slowly into the pot. When the camera snapped it produced this smooth water flow effect. Those poppy seeds which got scattered produced a nice bokeh.

Photo 365: Day 115 – Re-life, New life

A week before Earth day, I had a chance to read a book on container gardening and they had some cool ideas for growing plants from seeds. One among them was to use, egg cartons.

So couple of days before Earth day, sowed few Marigold seeds and it’s about a week now and the seeds have germinated. The above post is a picture of germinated Marigolds in egg carton. These will wait a couple of weeks to be transplanted to the ground.

Elsewhere on the web, I remember reading that bunnies don’t like Marigolds. Will have to try it out to see if they keep the bunnies away.

Photo 365: Day 103 – Thank you internet

Ah I hit one of those days when you feel you don’t have anything else to shoot 🙁

Got home from work and took bunch of pictures and didn’t like any. That’s when I got the feeling that I didn’t have anything else to shoot. You could relate this to the feeling when you surf aimlessly and at some point think you’ve reached the end of the internet 😉

Anyway, as I was going through these downloaded pictures I saw this modem cable by my bookcase and it struck me ‘why not do a macro capture on modem cable?’

So took my camera with Nikkor 60mm macro lens and started shooting again. I really like the way this macro capture turned out.

Also this capture made me think how thankful we should be for the internet. I heard on NPR yesterday that on a recent survey on Internet Vs TV, people choose Internet over TV. Surely internet seem to be have become an indispensable part of life style. So I Thank you Internet!

Photo 365: Day 61 – Silhouette

Contrary to yesterday’s post, today’s photo post is not a cheerful/colorful one.

Did some experimentation with lighting this evening to capture this silhouette of netting on the screen door. Focused the camera at the netting towards the bright clouds/sky. Used manual mode and slightly overexposed to wash out netting that were out of focus. As I used 60mm macro with shallow depth of field, all the netting towards the far right and left appears almost washed out.

Later used Adobe RAW to add contrast. I kind of like it 😉

Photo 365: Day 39 – Strawberry

Continuing with the Valentine’s day theme, here is a capture of a ripe, heart shaped strawberry we picked during grocery shopping past weekend. I really like the way the picture turned out.

Used Nikkor 60mm micro lens to capture this in natural lighting.

Photo 365: Day 37 – Colorful Bangles

Here is the picture of my daughter’s colorful bangles.

I didn’t like the way it turned out though 🙁
I thought the picture is quite boring and should have shot this in a different composition.

Photo 365: Day 36 – Golden Tassel

Here is a picture of golden tassel on our console lamp shade. I kind of like the shadows in the background as it gives a depth to the capture.

Photo 365: Day 35 – Dried Roses

Dried roses – these were dried by my wife long time ago (may be about 8 years ago). I remember researching for her on drying them back then.

These were real flaky and had to be handled with extreme care for picturing them. I really liked the way the pictures turned out for today’s post.